Promoting Diversity in the Workplace

A Project Recruit Story

Rose McCarter-Field

By Rose McCarter-Field

Top talent comes in all shapes and sizes. At Project Recruit we are dedicated to finding the best candidates from the global talent pool. With this comes diversity. 

As a Recruitment Company with a focus on IT and data analytics, we work in an industry that is 83% male and in the UK, white dominated. This sector is suffering from a staff shortage and we believe creating more diverse teams is one way to solve this shortage. We can achieve this whilst at the same time create a more innovative and modern workplace through diversity.

McKinsey research found that the most gender diverse companies are 25% more likely to achieve above average profitability than the least diverse companies. For enthnic diversity this likelihood is increased to 36% (1). The benefits of a diverse team go beyond ethics and staff numbers, diversity has been proven time and time again to show a direct correlation with successful company innovation and higher revenue figures.

We are running a series of articles and webinars to provide guidance to companies who wish to build a more diverse team. To stay up to date with this guidance and read the latest articles, go to our Women in Technology page. And follow me, Rose McCarter-Field on LinkedIn, to read my thoughts on diversity in recruitment. 

    1. Financial Post, 2021