How to support mothers returning to work (part3)
Want to know how companies such as Google have reduced the number of new mothers leaving by half?
Here are our 6 top tips for employers supporting returning mums.
Want to know how companies such as Google have reduced the number of new mothers leaving by half?
Here are our 6 top tips for employers supporting returning mums.
What employers are doing in 2022. A number of global companies, many in the IT, finance, and data analytics sectors, have reported that doubling their leave from 8 to 16 weeks has resulted in their turnover rate for new mothers falling by 40%.
Maternity and motherhood is a significant event that changes the lives of a large percentage of our staff. We need to be supportive employers, of such a common event.
Do you look around and see only or mostly men on your board? On your leadership team? Do you ask yourself, why?
Want to become the employer of choice for motivated working parents? How in 2022 can you adapt your working practices to attract more skilled parents into your company?
Boosting Women in Tech in an ever-changing market
A talk by Rose McCarter-Field at Project Recruit, Emma-Jayne Broadway at Talent Partnership Consulting, and Laura West at Escalla
Truly creating a diverse company culture, means having a diverse team. Processes and initiatives to promote diversity can help you get there.
In a sector where women are underrepresented, it’s no secret that exclusion has hindered gender equality in tech.
Finding the right talent has never been easy. But in today’s world we have hit a talent shortage in tech. We need to branch out.
Every one of your job applicants is a unique individual. Getting the most out of them at an interview will help you to find the right person.
Are you confident that your shortlisting process is totally unbiased? Gender neutral shortlisting starts from way before you read the CVs.
Did you know that 60% of industries have been shown to have a male bias in their job adverts? Here are some tips to creating gender balanced job adverts.
If your company does not yet see the importance of equality, they are missing out on the next generation of talent.
5 Top Tips for Getting more Female Applicants
Do you find that it is mostly men applying for the jobs you advertise? How a job description is written can and does put women off.
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